Chris Davis

Chris Davis

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Lifting Weights For Three Seconds A Day Helps Muscles Grow

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Photo: Getty Images

Here's today's feel-good story:

According to a new study from researchers in Australia and Japan, doing one bicep curl a day using heavy weight will increase muscle strength by more than 11%.

The study involved 39 healthy university students that were told to complete one muscle contraction each day for just three seconds, five days a week for four weeks.

The result of the study showed that people don't need to spend lots of time exercising to get stronger muscles, as Professor Ken Nosaka from Edith Cowan University in Perth, Australia explained.

 “The study results suggest that a very small amount of exercise stimulus—even 60 seconds in four weeks—can increase muscle strength. Many people think you have to spend a lot of time exercising, but it’s not the case. Short, good quality exercise can still be good for your body and every muscle contraction counts.”

Read more here.

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