A 50-year-old guy in Japan hadn't paid his rent in a while. So his landlord recently went to his apartment, and couldn't find him. But he DID find his insane PORN collection.
Every room was filled with piles of dirty magazines. So he was a hoarder, but JUST with pornography.
The landlord probably figured he skipped out on rent. But it was weird that he left his huge porn collection behind.
So he hired a cleaning crew to get rid of all the magazines. And that's then they found the guy's BODY.
It turns out he'd been dead for at least a month, and was buried under a WALL OF PORN that fell on him.
A bunch of news sites are claiming he got CRUSHED by it. But it sounds like he actually had a heart attack, and knocked over a pile of magazines when he fell.
According to the landlord, the cleaning crew removed about SIX TONS of porn from his apartment.
(Below the photos have been blurred so that nothing graphic is shown)