The Worst Food Crimes!

We all have our favorite food combinations, some of which may not appeal to the masses, and a new Reddit post is targeting them. It asks, “What is the worst food crime you’ve seen anyone commit?”

Hundreds of users have chimed in so far and these are some of the top offenders.

  • "Whenever my dad goes on a diet, he eats post-apocalyptic-type stuff to keep his calorie intake low. I saw him empty out a can of Spam, cut the giant cube in half, and microwave it for a minute. That was his dinner."
  • "Pop-Tarts with salsa."
  • "One of my best friends growing up would eat a Big Mac layer by layer. Like, he would take the bun off, eat it, put the toppings on the first patty, eat it, eat the middle bun, and so on."
  • "A friend methodically peeled a large orange, hollowed out a Costco muffin, placed the orange inside, and ate the muffin like a sandwich."
  • "My friend dips apples in ketchup."
  • "I watched my brother-in-law make guacamole with mayonnaise. I never recovered."
  • "My cousin puts ice in his milk, then adds cereal."
  • "A coworker put prime rib in the microwave to 'finish cooking.'"
  • "I saw someone make a shepherd's pie by throwing all the ingredients into a pot, without browning the meat and boiling it into a big, soupy mess. They then added a full box of instant mashed potatoes and stirred it all together until it became one big, congealed block."
  • "I went to secondary school with a girl who ate ham and chocolate spread sandwiches."
  • "I knew someone who ate spaghetti only with mayo."
  • "My husband's best friend eats peanut butter on cold pizza."
  • "OK, when I was little, I liked putting kimchi in my Honey Nut Cheerios with milk to make it spicy. I almost vomit now when I think of it."
  • "Tuna on baked potatoes with beans. Why?!"
  • And finally: "Many years ago, when I worked at Panera, we sold a cinnamon swirl raisin bread around Christmas time. We usually just sold it as a whole loaf. One day, a woman came in and ordered a tuna salad sandwich with extra mayo and extra cheese, and it was toasted on this cinnamon swirl raisin bread. I confirmed the order back to her a few times because I was convinced I'd misheard her. She ate the whole thing."

Source: Reddit

Photo: Getty Images

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